Monday, February 17, 2025 Our Offices are CLOSED for President's Day

About Us

We are here to support you.

Our mission is to provide our owners with the maximum return possible while meeting the following objectives:

  • To remain a locally-controlled community bank so we may actively respond to the needs of the communities we serve.
  • To deliver our services to our customers in a friendly, professional, and confidential atmosphere. We will always respect our customers’ needs and we will not make decisions without considering the impact such decisions will have on our customers.
  • To create and provide quality financial products and services that meet the changing needs of the communities we serve.
  • To provide a stimulating and challenging work environment which encourages, develops, and rewards excellence.
  • To be a responsible citizen and a business leader of the communities we serve. We will encourage our employees to be active participants in community and civic organizations.

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