Things to know before your credit is pulled
Avoid Trigger Leads
You may receive a nuisance phone call or see an increase in junk mail and emails from other lenders right after you’ve applied for credit. Whether you apply for a credit card or a mortgage, other creditors may start to contact you. This may seem like an invasion of your privacy. Here you will learn why this happens and we will give you tools to avoid this nuisance.

What is a Trigger Lead?
When you apply for a loan or credit, your lender will pull your credit report. The major credit bureaus sell this information to other lenders who use your information for unsolicited phone calls, letters, texts, or emails.

Are Trigger Leads legal?
Trigger leads are legal and do allow consumers to compare other opportunities for their loan or credit. These trigger leads will happen regardless of a purchase. While these leads are legal, we encourage customers to be vigilant in their comparison of other offers. Remember to always compare rates, fees and closing costs before making your final decision on where to finance your purchase.
Steps to Opt Out
Prior to applying for a loan or credit, visit or call 1-888-5-OPT-OUT (1-888-567-8688) and follow the steps to opt out of trigger leads.
How can I avoid Trigger Leads?
You can opt out of Trigger Leads through or call 1-888-5-OPT-OUT (1-888-567-8688). The major credit bureaus operate the phone number and website. You can choose between opting out to receive other offers for five years or permanently opting out for your lifetime. If you change your mind in the future, you can always opt-in. You can also opt-out of unsolicited phone calls by registering with or by calling 1-888-382-1222.
The Peoples Bank Co. is here to help!
We work hard to protect your personal information from unauthorized access. Our security measures comply with federal laws and we do not sell your contact information to other lenders. We cannot prevent the credit bureaus from selling your information as a trigger lead. Only you can take your name off the trigger leads list by going to or by calling 1-888-5-OPT-OUT. For any other questions, please reach out to us at 1-866-PBC-BANK (1-866-722-2265).